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Find the Right Employee for Every Opportunity

CareerLink offers assistance with:

  • Job posting, resume screening, job matching, office space to conduct interviews, and job fairs
  • Assessment of candidates skills in relation to your workplace business needs
  • Support in identifying and resolving workplace issues with a new employee, which may impact your ability to meet your business goals
  • Training incentives, where appropriate

Employment Service

Posting job ads and resume screening. Job matching and job placement. Monitoring and coaching for new employees. Financial incentives where appropriate and necessary for a new hire.

Canada Ontario Job Grant

The Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides fiancial support to employers who wish to train either existing employees or new hires through a third-party trainer. The COJG covers anywhere from 1/2 to 5/6 of the total training costs depending upon whether the employer has less than 100 or 100 or more employees. The COJG will provide up to a maximum of $10,000 in government support per person for training costs. In some situations, where a small employer is training and hiring an unemployed individual, the employer may be eligible for up to $15,000, with no minimum contribution on the employer's behalf.

Youth Job Connection

Employers may receive financial incentive to hire and offset some of the training costs, up to 100% of wages. Youth come to the job ready for the workplace after completing 60 hours of job preparation workshops. Counsellors provide ongoing support to employers and employees.

Youth Job Connection - Summer

Employers may receive a financial incentive to hire and train a youth, covering up to 100% of wages. Youth complete 20-30 hours of pre-employment workshops for work readiness.

Apprenticeship Employer Signing Bonus

Signing bonuses are awarded to the employer in two payments. The initial $1,000 payment when an individual's registered apprenticeship training agreement is signed/registered with the Ministry. The final $1,000 payment six months from the apprenticeship signing/registration date if the apprentice is still working and training with the same employer.

Job Fairs

Contact CareerLink to inquire about hosting a job fair or participating in an upcoming job fair.

Employer Sessions

CareerLink offers resources and workshops to employers, for free. Session topics may include: Supervisor Training, Cannabis in the Workplace, Return to Work Plans which includes Duty to Accommodate, Health and Safety and many more.