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Looking for work? We know where to find it!

We are here to help you with:

  • Job search strategies and job interview preparation
  • Resumes and cover letters
  • Career and personal development assessments
  • Education and career planning resources
  • Employer matching

Employment Service

A comprehensive suite of employment services for all job seekers, including assistance with job search, resumes, cover letters, and interview skills. A fully staffed Employment Resource Centre, skilled Employment Consultants and a Job Matching and Placement service are all available to connect job seekers with permanent employment opportunities and training options.

Second Career

The Second Career Strategy helps recently laid-off workers who require long-term skills training to find work in high-skill occupations that are in demand in the local labour market. Financial assistance for eligible and suitable applicants is based on individual need.

Career Assessment

Knowing yourself is the first step toward making a successful career choice. Taking the time to explore your interests, personality and values will prove to be a valuable investment toward your future. Our Employment Consultants can assist you with a full career assessment using a variety of tools.

Youth Job Connection

A year-round employment program for unemployed youth under 30. YJC offers a combination of paid training and paid work placements. YJC offers financial incentives to employers to cover the cost of training their new employee; and supports to the worker for costs such as transportation or tools needed for the job.

Youth Job Connection - Summer

A program to assist students aged 15-18 who are new entrants to the labour market or who are experiencing challenging life situations to make positive educational and career choices. YJCS offers a combination of paid training and paid work placements.

Apprenticeship Scholarship

The Apprenticeship Scholarship provides up to $1,000 to support individuals who require upgrading to meet the academic eligibility requirements for their chosen trade.

Employment Workshops

CareerLink offers many employment related workshops, including Interview Skills, Personality Dimensions, Occupational Planning, Job Search for the Older Worker (45+) Series, Job Search Drop In, Success in the Workplace and more.

Click here for upcoming workshops.